[osg-users] VBO static_draw and memory

Julien Valentin julienvalentin51 at gmail.com
Sat Jan 19 11:43:30 PST 2019

fill an Image with vertex data, setup a TextureBuffer with this image and setunrefImageafterapply(true) and pull vertices from this texturebuffer in the vertex shader...

knowthyself wrote:
> Hi,robert
>     I have the same problem.  I have a very big vertex array constructed from float* data; Now I want to upload the vertice data to GPU and then delete the vertex array. All the geometric operation will not rely on that vertex array, but rely on the customized algorithym which uses float* data.
>    Could it be done without changing OSG source code now ?
> ... 
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Claude

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