[osg-users] Deleting still referenced object

Voerman, L. l.voerman at rug.nl
Thu Jan 17 05:39:19 PST 2019

I am out of suggestions, but here are a few questions that I can come up
- did the problematic node come out of the cache, or did it come fresh from
  (modelResult._status has this info)
- Is the parent group (and it's _children vector) still sane?
- If the parent node is still sane, can you match it to the file on disk
and possibly tell what sort of node the problem appears in?
- What is the file format of the file on disk? Do you have (use) multiple
pager threads? Could the file loader have a multithreading problem?

Unless the node is a proxy or pagedlod this appears to be a different
problem than the cache release problem. You say the node looks like
deleted,  all I can conclude is that the Node* doesn't point to a valid

Other annoying questions:
Are you sure your build is clean? You say you build osg master, but from
your stack trace
osg130-osg.dll  hints at osg 3.4.0 or 3.4.1 Release candidate 2

Regards, Laurens.

On Thu, Jan 17, 2019 at 11:25 AM Richard Harrison <rjh at zaretto.com> wrote:

> Hi Lawrence;
> Thanks for the help.
> Sorry for the confusion; it doesn't actually fail on that line; it fails
> deep inside CopyOp; this is the stack trace from the previous code;
> osg130-osg.dll!osg::CopyOp::operator()(const osg::Node * node) Line
> 56    C++
>       osg130-osg.dll!osg::Group::Group(const osg::Group & group, const
> osg::CopyOp & copyop) Line 40    C++
>       osg130-osg.dll!osg::Group::clone(const osg::CopyOp & copyop) Line
> 38    C++
>       osg130-osg.dll!osg::clone<osg::Node>(const osg::Node * t, const
> osg::CopyOp & copyop) Line 250    C++
>       osg130-osg.dll!osg::Group::Group(const osg::Group & group, const
> osg::CopyOp & copyop) Line 40    C++
>       osg130-osg.dll!osg::Group::clone(const osg::CopyOp & copyop) Line
> 38    C++
>       osg130-osg.dll!osg::clone<osg::Node>(const osg::Node * t, const
> osg::CopyOp & copyop) Line 250    C++
>       fgfs.exe!simgear::copyModel(osg::Node * model) Line 94    C++
>       fgfs.exe!sgLoad3DModel_internal(const SGPath & path, const
> osgDB::Options * dbOptions, SGPropertyNode * overlay) Line 342    C++
> copy model (simgear model.cxx:84) uses the following flags.
> Node* copyModel(Node* model)
> {
>      const CopyOp::CopyFlags flags = (CopyOp::DEEP_COPY_ALL
>                                       & ~CopyOp::DEEP_COPY_TEXTURES
>                                       & ~CopyOp::DEEP_COPY_IMAGES
>                                       & ~CopyOp::DEEP_COPY_STATESETS
>                                       & ~CopyOp::DEEP_COPY_STATEATTRIBUTES
>                                       & ~CopyOp::DEEP_COPY_ARRAYS
>                                       & ~CopyOp::DEEP_COPY_PRIMITIVES
>                                       // This will preserve display
> lists ...
>                                       & ~CopyOp::DEEP_COPY_DRAWABLES
>                                       & ~CopyOp::DEEP_COPY_SHAPES);
>      return (CopyOp(flags))(model);
> }
> At the top of the stack inside operator() the node in question is all
> garbage - which looks like something that has been deleted.
>          osg::Object    {_name={...} _dataVariance=???
> _userDataContainer=??? }    osg::Object
>          _initialBound    {_center={_v=0x8003d900ed55904f {???, ???,
> ???} } _radius=??? } osg::BoundingSphereImpl<osg::Vec3f>
>          _computeBoundCallback    {_ptr=??? }
> osg::ref_ptr<osg::Node::ComputeBoundingSphereCallback>
>          _boundingSphere    {_center={_v=0x8003d900ed559067 {???, ???,
> ???} } _radius=??? } osg::BoundingSphereImpl<osg::Vec3f>
>          _boundingSphereComputed    <Unable to read memory>
>          _parents    { size=??? }    std::vector<osg::Group
> *,std::allocator<osg::Group *> >
>          _updateCallback    {_ptr=??? } osg::ref_ptr<osg::Callback>
>          _numChildrenRequiringUpdateTraversal    <Unable to read memory>
>          _eventCallback    {_ptr=??? } osg::ref_ptr<osg::Callback>
>          _numChildrenRequiringEventTraversal    <Unable to read memory>
>          _cullCallback    {_ptr=??? } osg::ref_ptr<osg::Callback>
>          _cullingActive    <Unable to read memory>
>          _numChildrenWithCullingDisabled    <Unable to read memory>
>          _numChildrenWithOccluderNodes    <Unable to read memory>
>          _nodeMask    <Unable to read memory>
>          _stateset    {_ptr=??? } osg::ref_ptr<osg::StateSet>
> On 17/01/2019 10:56, Voerman, L. wrote:
> > Hi Richard,
> > I can't see how you can get a segfault on the line you indicate, so I
> > guess the node is somehow corrupted and the segfault is somewhere in
> > the copyOp.
> > I can only guess at what might be going wrong there, but my first
> > guess would be the DEEP_COPY_USERDATA.
> > Laurens.
> >
> > On Thu, Jan 17, 2019 at 8:13 AM Richard Harrison <rjh at zaretto.com
> > <mailto:rjh at zaretto.com>> wrote:
> >
> >     On 15/01/2019 09:03, Robert Osfield wrote:
> >
> >     >> illustrated it well) and I'm currently flying one of my long
> >     test routes.
> >     > Fingers and toes crossed.
> >
> >     ..and alas after 30h I've got a similar looking problem; the
> >     pattern is
> >     the same i.e. DatabasePager loading something whilst ObjectCache is
> >     expiring.
> >
> >     This time it's a segfault in the DatabasePager during a copy of a
> >     model
> >     that has just been loaded (simgear, SGReaderWriterXML.cxx:342)
> >
> >     options->setDatabasePath(texturepath.local8BitStr());
> >              osgDB::ReaderWriter::ReadResult modelResult;
> >              modelResult =
> >     osgDB::readRefNodeFile(modelpath.local8BitStr(),
> >     options.get());
> >              if (!modelResult.validNode())
> >                  throw sg_io_exception("Failed to load 3D model:" +
> >     modelResult.message(),
> >                                        modelpath);
> >      >       model = copyModel(modelResult.getNode());
> >
> >     The object currently being expired in the ObjectCache doesn't seem to
> >     bear any relation to the model being loaded; one is a windsock and
> >     the
> >     other a radio tower.
> >
> >     This is after I changed all of the osg::getSomething into
> >     osg::getRefSomething.
> >
> >     I'm now a little confused as I was sure that the fix would work; I've
> >     kept the debug session open in case there is anything that I need to
> >     inspect.
> >
> >
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