[osg-users] Enable Qt5Widgets_DIR into cmake (GUI)

Andrea Martini martini.andrea at gmail.com
Wed Sep 5 00:40:23 PDT 2018

Dear all,
i would like to enable Qt5 form Cmake(GUI) 3.8.2 using OSG 3.5.3 on Windows10. I installed QT 5.8.0 in c:\QT\... and i set environment variable QTDIR to C:\Qt\Qt5.8.0\5.8\msvc2013_64

My focus consits in get osgQtBrowser and osgQtWidgets example projects in osg solutions (visual studio 2013).

What i get is:

Ungrouped Entries-> Qt5Widgets_DIR =  Qt5Widgets_DIR-NOTFOUND

Furthermore, several QT -> items are automatically filled with NOFOUND (after Configure process). I must manually fill each items!!!

Is there a way to tell CMAKE to fill all qt entries automatically?

Thank you in advance




Thank you!


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