[osg-users] Adding Constraints to Draggers

tom spencer blobfish at gmx.com
Fri Oct 26 07:11:19 PDT 2018

bam098 wrote:
> However, I don't quite understand it unfortunately. All constrain methods of the class are set to true here and I don't get why this was done.
 I don't see anywhere in the entire osg project where the return from constrain is used. I don't think it serves any purpose at this point. Constraints manipulate the command to accomplish their task.

grep -IrnF -- ".constrain" *
include/osgManipulator/Command:61:        virtual void accept(const Constraint& constraint) { constraint.constrain(*this); }
include/osgManipulator/Command:112:        virtual void accept(const Constraint& constraint) {constraint.constrain(*this); }
include/osgManipulator/Command:149:        virtual void accept(const Constraint& constraint) {constraint.constrain(*this); }
include/osgManipulator/Command:188:        virtual void accept(const Constraint& constraint) {constraint.constrain(*this); }
include/osgManipulator/Command:233:        virtual void accept(const Constraint& constraint) {constraint.constrain(*this); }
include/osgManipulator/Command:278:        virtual void accept(const Constraint& constraint) {constraint.constrain(*this); }
include/osgManipulator/Command:314:        virtual void accept(const Constraint& constraint) {constraint.constrain(*this); }
grep -IrnF -- "->constrain" *
//returns nothing.

bam098 wrote:
> But how is the situation currently? Are osgmanipulator and especially the dragger classes are still used today?
 I have been using osgmanipulator library and have been happy it is available. https://gitlab.com/blobfish/cadseer/tree/master/library[/url][/code]

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