[osg-users] Problems porting from osg-3.4.0 to osg-3.6.0

Herman Varma hermanvarma at eastlink.ca
Thu Oct 4 06:31:14 PDT 2018


I have upgraded the vtp code to osg 3.6.3
Everything compiled and linked properly. However I still have some execution problems.

I just want to check if  the code below is coded properly

FQuat TransformExtension::GetOrient() const
	const osg::Matrix &xform = m_pTransform->getMatrix();
	osg::Quat q;

//	xform.get(q);   
// Replacing xform.get(q) 
// with
	q = xform.getRotate();

	return FQuat(q.x(), q.y(), q.z(), q.w());


Thank you!


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