[osg-users] Problems porting from osg-3.4.0 to osg-3.6.0

Robert Osfield robert.osfield at gmail.com
Tue Oct 2 06:42:08 PDT 2018

Hi Herman,

With the change to subclassing Drawable from Node rather than Object,
the dirty flag is now inherited from Node, it's a bit awkward as it's
now _boundingSphereComputed, but it's essentially the same thing.

However, your own code should worry about the dirty flag, that's the
job of the getBound()/getBoundingBox() job to worry about, and this
has always been the case - it's an example of the Template Method
Design Pattern.  The getBound*() method provides the high level
managing of dirty status that always needs to be managed coherently
and the compute*() method provides the part that differs.

So in your code just delete the line:


It will work fine for 3.4.x and 3.6.x without this line as it was
never needed in the first place :-)

On Tue, 2 Oct 2018 at 12:25, Herman Varma <hermanvarma at eastlink.ca> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have encountered another problem. what is the replacement for
> _boundingBoxComputed in osg-3.6.2
> in osg-3.4.0
> It was defined in osg\Drawable
> BoundingBox                             _initialBound;
> ref_ptr<ComputeBoundingBoxCallback> _computeBoundCallback;
> mutable BoundingBox                 _boundingBox;
> mutable bool                              _boundingBoxComputed;
> in osg-3.6.2
> it  is not defined in osg\Drawable
> BoundingBox                              _initialBoundingBox;
> ref_ptr<ComputeBoundingBoxCallback>_computeBoundingBoxCallback;
> mutable BoundingBox                 _boundingBox;
> The code to be ported is
> osg::BoundingBox OsgDynMesh::computeBoundingBox() const
> {
>         FBox3 box;
>         m_pDynGeom->DoCalcBoundBox(box);
>         // convert it to OSG bounds
>         v2s(box.min, _boundingBox._min);
>         v2s(box.max, _boundingBox._max);
>         _boundingBoxComputed=true;
>         return _boundingBox;
> }
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Herman
> ------------------
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=75006#75006
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