[osg-users] DXF file with text crashes on Intersect

Brian Hutchison bhutchison at systra.com
Tue May 29 08:15:59 PDT 2018


We are using osg version 3.5.6 from VCPKG.

When we load a DXF which includes text it loads and displays fine.  However if we then call GUIActionAdapter::computeIntersections on the scene whilst the mouse is over a piece of text within the loaded DXF it crashes here:


void Text::accept(osg::Drawable::ConstAttributeFunctor& af) const
  if (_coords.valid() )
    af.apply(osg::Drawable::VERTICES, _coords->size(), &(_coords->front()));
    af.apply(osg::Drawable::TEXTURE_COORDS_0, _texcoords->size(), &(_texcoords->front())); <<<<<<<<<<<<<

_texcoord would appear to be empty.

We are simply loading the DXF via readRefNodeFile then placing them in a PositionAttitudeTransform within out scene.

I can work around it for now as we do not want the loaded DXF's to be directly pickable so can exclude them via a NodeMask, but would prefer not to have to do so.

I see that there is a more recent build of osg available - is this something which has been fixed since 3.5.6?

I can post a copy of an affected DXF if it would help.

Thank you!


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