[osg-users] OpenSceneGraph-3.6.1 release candidate 3 tagged

Robert Osfield robert.osfield at gmail.com
Thu May 10 08:31:51 PDT 2018

Hi Dan,

I finally had a chance to look at the your example.  It works the same
under 3.6 branch and 3.4 branch for me, I don't ever see any issues
with the texture become skewed regardless of the size of the window.


On 7 May 2018 at 12:15, Daniel Emminizer, Code 5773
<dan.emminizer at nrl.navy.mil> wrote:
> Hi Robert,
> Attached is an osgtext.cpp that demonstrates the problem I'm seeing in our application with text in SCREEN_COORDS scaling improperly.
> In this particular app, we're using a FIXED projection matrix mapping (-1,-1) to the lower-left corner, and (+1,+1) to the upper-right corner (ortho 2D).  We have a layout system in this application that uses matrix transforms to position items in the layout.
> In this section, the text is nested in two matrix transforms.  These transforms update values as a result of window resizes.  I omitted this code because it did not seem particularly relevant, and it is not required to reproduce the behavior.  I got the current values for both matrices by saving the scene to an .osg file and extracting the subgraph.
> What you're seeing in this app is 4 text labels that form the text part of a 2D "compass", serving as a set of labels for a plot's X-axis.  Obviously this is just a subset of the whole scene.
> When you resize the window with 3.6.1-rc2, you'll notice that the text skews significantly.  If you run the same app in OSG 3.4.1, the text looks correct regardless of window size.
> Side discovery -- setting the backdrop had a weird impact on text placement.  Not entirely sure that I understand why.  It doesn't really impact us in our application, but I thought I'd mention it just in case it's important.
>  - Dan
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