[osg-users] Constructor parameters of osg::Uniform

Werner Modenbach Werner.Modenbach at texion.eu
Thu Jun 28 06:35:01 PDT 2018

It would be the easiest putting an "explicit " in front of the
constructor but I guess there would be far to many reclaims then :)

- Werner -

Am 28.06.2018 um 15:03 schrieb Robert Osfield:
> On Thu, 28 Jun 2018 at 13:57, Robert Osfield <robert.osfield at gmail.com> wrote:
>> The original osg::Uniform class is a bit of unwieldy mess. In
>> hindsight we shouldn't have gone for this particular implementation as
>> it's a bit too open ended.
> As a bit of background, Mike Weiblen with a bit of input from myself
> created the GLSL support for the OSG before OpenGL 2.0 came out and on
> prototype drivers.  It was completely bleeding edge of OpenGL as well
> as trying to implement this stuff in scene graphs, there was no prior
> art, it was very much winging it.  The fact that is has lasted so long
> without a major rewrite suggests Mike came up with reasonable
> solution.
> The first git log entry for osg::Uniform is :
> Date:   Thu Feb 24 13:33:35 2005 +0000
>     From Mike Weiblen, adding prelimimnary GL Shader Language support
> into core OSG lib.
>                        with renaming and reordering by Robert Osfield,
> 13 years later it's easy to spot better ways of doing it, but kinda
> cool this stuff was once pushing things forward - this work was even
> used a demo at the OpenGL BOF that GLSL/2,0 was launched :-)
> Robert.

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