[osg-users] Constructor parameters of osg::Uniform

Robert Osfield robert.osfield at gmail.com
Thu Jun 28 06:03:41 PDT 2018

On Thu, 28 Jun 2018 at 13:57, Robert Osfield <robert.osfield at gmail.com> wrote:
> The original osg::Uniform class is a bit of unwieldy mess. In
> hindsight we shouldn't have gone for this particular implementation as
> it's a bit too open ended.

As a bit of background, Mike Weiblen with a bit of input from myself
created the GLSL support for the OSG before OpenGL 2.0 came out and on
prototype drivers.  It was completely bleeding edge of OpenGL as well
as trying to implement this stuff in scene graphs, there was no prior
art, it was very much winging it.  The fact that is has lasted so long
without a major rewrite suggests Mike came up with reasonable

The first git log entry for osg::Uniform is :

Date:   Thu Feb 24 13:33:35 2005 +0000

    From Mike Weiblen, adding prelimimnary GL Shader Language support
into core OSG lib.
                       with renaming and reordering by Robert Osfield,

13 years later it's easy to spot better ways of doing it, but kinda
cool this stuff was once pushing things forward - this work was even
used a demo at the OpenGL BOF that GLSL/2,0 was launched :-)


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