[osg-users] The naming of VulkanSceneGraph

John Richardson richards at spawar.navy.mil
Tue Jun 26 09:52:19 PDT 2018

Chris / Robert,

I will make it a priority to see if I can meet with KHRONOS at SIGGRAPH
before the OSG BOF.

Oh, and while we are thinking OSG BOF, OSG BOF, OSG BOF.....:-) ...:-)

All purveyor's of OSG wisdom are invited to present at the OSG BOF on
Wednesday Aug 15 [ or 15 AUG for the Europeans...:-) ...:-) ]

Start making your "wish list" of topics for such inquiries for me to

We can take this off list if that is best.

John "Double Smiley" Richardson

-----Original Message-----
From: osg-users [mailto:osg-users-bounces at lists.openscenegraph.org] On
Behalf Of Robert Osfield
Sent: Monday, June 25, 2018 8:18 PM
To: OpenSceneGraph Users <osg-users at lists.openscenegraph.org>
Subject: Re: [osg-users] The naming of VulkanSceneGraph

On Mon, 25 Jun 2018 at 17:01, Chris Hanson <xenon at alphapixel.com> wrote:
> Ok, so does anyone have any actual current contacts with Khronos? I have a
few distant ones but they aren't terribly responsive.

I have met a few from the ARB/Khronos over the years but don't have
any personal contacts.   If people do then please let us know rather
chatting with them right away as going off cocked could do more damage than
good.  If you have a contact then please email me directly and we can then

If there are people going to Siggraph then this might be a time to bring up
the topic of the new scene graph and it's planned name to members of
Khronos, again just emailing me directly will be the best way to coordinate.

>From my perspective I think the VulkanSceneGraph is by far the most
appropriate name for the project, it is literally exactly what is says it
is.  I also believe that it'll be a big asset to Vulkan adoption beyond the
games industry and promotion to these sectors, and this will mean that it's
a valuable project for Khronos to be supportive of.

For now I'd like to just keep focused on making progress on the
technical/design side, get a design paper written, though the planned
timeline for this (late August) will be a bit late to share at Siggraph
which is in mid August.  By Siggraph I should have a clearer idea of how
thing will look so perhaps a draft might be possible.
Would also like think we'll have a triangle of two rendering by then in a
preliminary experiments.

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