[osg-users] Announcement: VulkanSceneGraph and SceneGraphTestBed!

Robert Osfield robert.osfield at gmail.com
Sat Jun 9 00:24:43 PDT 2018

Hi Thomas,

On Sat, 9 Jun 2018 at 03:09, Thomas Hogarth <thomas.hogarth at gmail.com> wrote:
> I'd by up for making a small unit test application framework. This is also a problem for osg examples at the mo. They only run in console/desktop environments.
> I could develop a simple DemoBase class or whatever, examples and Unit tests inherit from that and then for each platform (desktop, iOS, Android etc) make a simple launcher frame work.

Excellent, this is the type of thing I'm hoping the SceneGraphTestBed
will be able to host, it's why I created the repo on github.  I've
thinking of a small test framework, tests and supporting data.  If you
can create something to illustrate what it could look like this would
be really useful.  This work can happen independently from the
VulkanSceneGraph work, once the later is usable/testable we can then
start adding VulkanSceneGrpah specific support.  Until the
VulkanSceneGraph is ready the test framework could build upon the

Setting a C++11 as base for SceneGraphTestBed would be fine. This is a
big topic for discussion so probably best to create a separate thread
for it.

> Regarding the actual VulkanSceneGraph. I like the idea of keeping it as just a pure scenegraph and renderer then having node kits. It's not just about dependencies for me but speedy building and testing.
> An issue for me with osg at the moment isn't the dependancies for the plugins. You can do a lot with zero third party libs. The issue is that there are just sooooo many plugins it's a blessing and a curse. A system which when I generated my project let me select the plugins I wanted would be awesome. A full build of osg on mobile platforms can take well over an hour but it's mainly the plugins users will probably never use that take all the time.

Perhaps additions to CMake might help.   Essentially you'd want to be
able to define white list of what you are happy building, not sure how
easy this would be to implement.  I'm open to suggestions, but for
changes to the OSG we need a separate thread.


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