[osg-users] osgDB::readRefNodeFiles() crashes with simple files

Peter Klose peter_klose at gmx.de
Fri Jun 8 06:57:10 PDT 2018

Hi Robert,
i have downloaded and built OSG 3.6.1 from the master-branch.
The osg-example data is also downloaded from the git
See attached "example.osg" which causes a crash.
*.obj files don't even load with a file-not-found error.

robertosfield wrote:
> Hi Peter,
> On Fri, 8 Jun 2018 at 11:39, Peter Klose <> wrote:
> > I have dowwnloaded the actual OSG version from github and compiled it together with all examples with Visual Studio 2013 on Windows7 (with your support btw) succesful.
> > The examples are working fine and i have created my own first application.
> > I thought i read something about problems when loading the "old" filetype *.osg, but i don't remember where it was. And with the "new" filetype "osgt" everything works just fine.
> > Maybe anybody else has encountered the same problems?
> > 
> Generally .osg's work pretty well, old but generally pretty reliable.
> However, we can't rule out that there are .osg's out there that have
> been created by 3rd parties that now cause problems with present OSG
> version.
> W.r.t OSG version did you build OSG master or a specific version?
> Could you provide an example of the .osg file that fails.
> Robert.
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