[osg-users] osgDB::readRefNodeFiles() crashes with simple files

Robert Osfield robert.osfield at gmail.com
Fri Jun 8 05:14:27 PDT 2018

Hi Peter,
On Fri, 8 Jun 2018 at 11:39, Peter Klose <peter_klose at gmx.de> wrote:
> I have dowwnloaded the actual OSG version from github and compiled it together with all examples with Visual Studio 2013 on Windows7 (with your support btw) succesful.
> The examples are working fine and i have created my own first application.
> I thought i read something about problems when loading the "old" filetype *.osg, but i don't remember where it was. And with the "new" filetype "osgt" everything works just fine.
> Maybe anybody else has encountered the same problems?

Generally .osg's work pretty well, old but generally pretty reliable.

However, we can't rule out that there are .osg's out there that have
been created by 3rd parties that now cause problems with present OSG

W.r.t OSG version did you build OSG master or a specific version?

Could you provide an example of the .osg file that fails.


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