[osg-users] TriangleStrip mesh is not smooth...

Christian Buchner christian.buchner at gmail.com
Thu Jun 7 08:39:50 PDT 2018

Updating a mesh in real time could be done using some a displacement
mapping in a vertex shader. The height field can be then updated as a

The base mash would be essentially static and flat, but the z coordinate is
updated on the GPU based on texture input.


2018-06-04 19:33 GMT+02:00 Mike Raider <miketimmons at gmail.com>:

> Hi,
> "it kinds seems like an odd thing that are doing,
> shifting and replacing rows for some reason is not normally how one
> manages terrain. Could you take a step back and explain what you are
> trying to achieve in your application w.r.t terrain"
> I am just starting to develop a 3D app my usual domain is deep learning
> and searching.  I saw a demo of OSG using a simple terrain and thought I
> could turn my boring 2D app into a sexy 3D app.  I underestimated the
> effort involved.  I use linux named pipe message queue to send real time
> data from my java application to my osg application.  Once in osg I fill my
> terrain matrix as data is received.  The shifting of rows is to move data
> from front to back as data is received.  It works very well and much better
> than my old 2D user interface.
> I started this tread trying to solve a mesh problem and fixed that problem
> by cleaning my original data much better.  Now my terrain is looking very
> nice.  Thank you for your comments that made me stop and look at data again.
> Your comment 'this is not normally how one manages terrain'.  Probably,
> what approach would you suggest to build a 3d mesh that is filled in real
> time?  Can you point me to an example?
> ...
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Mike
> ------------------
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=73960#73960
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