[osg-users] OSG in Gtk3 GLArea

Steve Hardy osgforum at tevs.eu
Tue Jun 5 12:21:59 PDT 2018

Hi Robert,

The full application uses the following:

- read .wrl files using osgDB::readNodeFile()
- create geometry nodes dynamically with quads, lines, line strip.
- billboards with text
- osgSim::DOFTransform, osg::MatrixTransform
- osg::Camera (additional cameras for HUD or inset display)
- osg::TextureRectangle (we live video feed to textured quad(s))
- in the osg::StateSet we set modes for GL_NORMALIZE (sine we need to scale the VRML models), GL_BLEND (translucent quads), 2-sided lighting, 

Hope that's the info you were asking for.  For the current test case, however, I have stripped it down to just quad-based geometry and a few transforms, single-sided, single world lighting.

To make things just a bit more complicated, I'm actually calling from Python code, so the OSG API is selectively wrapped using boost::python.  I don't think that's an issue at present.

I know practically nothing about shaders, so I'll take any recommendations for reading material.


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