[osg-users] Announcement: VulkanSceneGraph and SceneGraphTestBed!

sam brkopac at gmail.com
Tue Jun 5 09:30:56 PDT 2018

Hi Robert,

Regarding SceneGraphTestBed are we looking to have a library to help
facilitate testing? What is the current vision for the test repository.

Thanks, Sam

On Tue, Jun 5, 2018 at 1:35 AM Robert Osfield <robert.osfield at gmail.com>

> Hi Julien,
> On 4 June 2018 at 18:03, Julien Valentin <julienvalentin51 at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Glad to hear vsg is on the grill. As Remo wrote, MoltenVk should be
> taken into consideration in the design of VSG for the Mac/IOS compatibility.
> I haven't investigated MoltenVk yet, are there gotcha's involved in
> supporting it?
> > @Robert classic Vulkan resources I read (if you don't already have them):
> > -Vulkan Programming Guide (Graham Sellers)
> > -per feature examples: https://github.com/SaschaWillems/Vulkan
> Thanks, have the book and have done a bit of diving into Sascha's
> resources.
> > -fill the gap between gl&vk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPWysKFHq9c
> Excellent, I've added it to my list of resources.
> > I have nothing to share yet about my thoughts on vsg but believe most of
> the osg Node abstraction can be kept...
> While many of the osg Node abstractions could be replicated, at this
> point I'm doing it clean room both conceptually and implementation
> wise.  It's likely you'll see things in VulkanSceneGraph that will be
> like old friends, but many other places I'll changes things
> drastically, either that's what Vulkan requires or to improve
> performance or flexibility a new approach is required.
> Cheers,
> Robert.
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