[osg-users] OSG in Gtk3 GLArea

michael kapelko kornerr at gmail.com
Tue Jun 5 07:32:05 PDT 2018

John (aka MT), make sure you use VBO
(osg::Geometry::setUseVertexBufferObjects) on your geometry if you're
rendering with GLES.

On 5 June 2018 at 10:53, Robert Osfield <robert.osfield at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi SJH, (I'm afriad this still isn't great, how is my brain supposed
> to parse SJH?  S J H? Attempt to blurt it out as single word? Is this
> how people address you face to face?  Please just a human name is
> best. :)
> I haven't personally tried the approach of mixing and matching
> different types of windows before.  I think perhaps for you it is the
> line of least resistance though, but as I haven't ever tried to
> implement I don't know off the top of my head all the pitfalls.
> PixelBuffers are fixed size so once you create them they can't be
> resized like a conventional GraphicsWindow.  If the window you are
> copying the data to is resized then you'll either need to allocate a
> new PixelBuffer or allocate an oversized PixelBuffer at start up and
> then use a varying size of viewport to adjust it's size to the size of
> the window.
> The other cheeky way to do it would be to disable resize on the
> window.  Perhaps as a first step this is what I'd do, get everything
> else working well then go back an work on handling resize.
> FYI, I may end up attempting to do something like you are doing during
> my Vulkan experiments, just to see if I can assign Vulkan rendered
> graphics to a buffer then mix it with an OSG or other window. If this
> ends up being feasible and useful some of the supporting functionality
> might be rolled into the next OSG release, and just might help out in
> your case a bit too.  This is all massively speculatively so please
> don't expect anything, just be aware it's one of the many different
> possibilities that I have in mind.
> Cheers,
> Robert.
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