[osg-users] TriangleStrip mesh is not smooth...

Mike Raider miketimmons at gmail.com
Sun Jun 3 10:36:26 PDT 2018


Thank you Robert...

Here is how I create the mesh:

    float column_x_loc = -(LAND_WIDTH * LAND_TRIANGLE_WIDTH)/2; 
    float column_z_loc =  -(LAND_DEPTH * LAND_TRIANGLE_DEPTH)/2
    float column_y_loc = DETAIL_TERRAIN_FLOOR;

    for (int c = 0;c < LAND_WIDTH;c++)    
			 for (int r = 0; r < LAND_DEPTH;r++)       
				(*terrain)[thisIndex][0] = column_x_loc;
				(*terrain)[thisIndex][1] = column_z_loc;
				(*terrain)[thisIndex][2] = column_y_loc;

				(*terrain_colors)[thisIndex][0] = 46.0f/256.0f;
				(*terrain_colors)[thisIndex][1] = 76.0f/256.0f;
				(*terrain_colors)[thisIndex][2] =  100.0f/256.0f; 
				(*terrain_colors)[thisIndex][3] = 0.3f;
				column_z_loc += LAND_TRIANGLE_DEPTH;

On an update I move all of the rows back one and replace the 1 row with new data.
I use a transparent_weight value to have older data disappear as it is updated.

	float transparent_weight = 1.0;   
	float transparent_adjustment = 0.02;
	for (int r = 0; r < LAND_DEPTH - 1; r++)
			transparent_weight = 0.1;
			for (int c = 1;c < 50; c++)
					col_index = (c * LAND_WIDTH);
				    (*terrain)[col_index + r][2] = (*terrain)[col_index + r + LAND_WIDTH][2];
					(*terrain_colors)[col_index  + r][0] = (*terrain_colors)[col_index  + r + LAND_WIDTH][0];
					 (*terrain_colors)[col_index  + r][1] = (*terrain_colors)[col_index  + r + LAND_WIDTH][1];
					 (*terrain_colors)[col_index  + r][2] = (*terrain_colors)[col_index  + r + LAND_WIDTH][2];
					 (*terrain_colors)[col_index  + r][3] = transparent_weight;//(*terrain_colors)[col_index  + r + LAND_WIDTH][3];
					 transparent_weight += transparent_adjustment;

The data at the first row is always smooth.  I get missing triangles only in the middle or rear of the terrain.

Any suggestions are welcome.  I have the program working the way I want if I can get this mesh problem solved.

Thank you again!


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