[osg-users] osgText - alignment differences using the new implementation

Robert Osfield robert.osfield at gmail.com
Tue Feb 6 09:42:22 PST 2018

Hi Glenn,

I have now started looking into the alignment issue and tracked it
down to the way that the bounding box is expanded the glyph size plus
the margin required for the SDF/mipmapping sampling.  The margin for
the SDF is bigger than is require for the greyscale so the bounding
box ends up being bigger.

This is good for rendering and culling purposes as it makes sure that
the whole glyph is always rendered, but it is adversely affecting the
alignment set up, and usage cases like yours.

It looks like I need to decouple the margin from contributing so much
to the alignment calculation.  Not sure yet what the best thing to do


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