[osg-users] How make my app to load plugins

Ravi Mathur ravidavi at utexas.edu
Thu Dec 6 06:44:26 PST 2018

Hi Marco,

The easiest thing to do is to keep OSG plugins in the "osgPlugins-3.6.3"
folder alongside the OSG libraries, which as you said are in Frameworks.
Then OSG will automatically find them.


On Thu, Dec 6, 2018 at 9:37 AM Marco Beninca <marco.beninca at dwssystems.com>

> Hi,
> I'm developing an application on OSX 10.14 with OSG 3.6.3. I have
> successfully compiled and built OSG and all the plugins. My applicaton uses
> the plugin osgdb_freetype to obtain geometry for text using osg::Text3D for
> a the font choosen by the user.
> When I run my application in DEBUG everything works fine but when I create
> my app bundle the application is not able to load the osgdb_freetype
> plugin. Actually I copy the plugin (osgdb_freetype.so) under the PlugIns
> folder inside my app bundle but, and the osg libreries are inside the
> Framworks folder but this doesn't work.
> Could, please, anyone explain me how to make the plugins to be loaded
> correctly in MacOS?
> The windows version of the application works perfectly but I'm pretty new
> on Mac development so maybe I'm missing something.
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Marco
> ------------------
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=75291#75291
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