[osg-users] Speeding u/down animation smoothly

Julien Valentin julienvalentin51 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 6 06:42:27 PST 2018

oups I haven't see the latest auto update
So yes you have to subclass to avoid var auto updates

mp3butcher wrote:
> Interpreting the sources,( I haven't tested as it's kinda obvious)
>  the animationtime is (latest - first - offset) * timemul
> If you want to control this equation the simplier is to make its variables constants:
> posing timemult=1 offset =0 and first=0 give use animationtime =latest
> so have complete control with only one parameter
> NB: first must always reset at each update to prevent its auto update in apc
> dhhabyc wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > Thank you for your answer mp3butcher.
> > 
> >  Regarding the math issue: actually the arithmethic is correct in my code, the problem, as I found, was that the _latestTime and _fisrtTime in the AnimationPathCallback won't match the ones provided in AnimationPath, so I subclassed AnimationPathCallback providing access to mentioned members and extract them from the callback (instead of the path) and it finally worked.
> > 
> >  Regarding your second post, to be honest I didnt understand.
> > 
> >  I'm just a newbie on OSG and the lack of proper documentation is becoming quite a problem (for me at least). 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Cheers,

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