[osg-users] setGLExtensionFuncPtr priority

Julien Valentin julienvalentin51 at gmail.com
Sun Aug 26 08:12:07 PDT 2018

My plateform is Ubuntu LTS with Nvidia proprietary driver
I noticed the bug come and go when update my system (Lately, it comes back when updating to 18.04 with nvidia-390)

I write out adresses, they indeed differs:



If you know a proper way to contact nvdia driver support for linux...


robertosfield wrote:
> Hi Juilen,
> This sounds like a driver bug.  What OS/hardware/drivers are you using?
> It would be worth printing out the address returned for each the
> "glGetTextureHandle", "glGetTextureHandleARB","glGetTextureHandleNV"
> variants to see what is being returned, this might gives some clues
> that could help the driver developers track down the issue.
> Robert.
> On Sat, 25 Aug 2018 at 21:30, Julien Valentin
> <> wrote:
> > 
> > Hi,
> > I just found the cause of a recurring malfunction in osgbindlesstext under nux:
> > it seams non suffixed procaddr are malfunctionning
> > setGLExtensionFuncPtr(glGetTextureHandle,  "glGetTextureHandle",           "glGetTextureHandleARB","glGetTextureHandleNV", validContext);
> > 
> > "glGetTextureHandle" give a valid adress but fails at use.
> > 
> > i fix it moving non ARB suffixed procname at the end :
> > setGLExtensionFuncPtr(glGetTextureHandle,        "glGetTextureHandleARB","glGetTextureHandleNV", "glGetTextureHandle",     validContext);
> > 
> > It seams reasonnable fix but would like confirmatoin as it is sure a weird driver behavior
> > 
> > Thank you!
> > 
> > Cheers,
> > Julien
> > 
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> > 
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