[osg-users] setGLExtensionFuncPtr priority

Robert Osfield robert.osfield at gmail.com
Sun Aug 26 01:23:34 PDT 2018

Hi Juilen,

This sounds like a driver bug.  What OS/hardware/drivers are you using?

It would be worth printing out the address returned for each the
"glGetTextureHandle", "glGetTextureHandleARB","glGetTextureHandleNV"
variants to see what is being returned, this might gives some clues
that could help the driver developers track down the issue.

On Sat, 25 Aug 2018 at 21:30, Julien Valentin
<julienvalentin51 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I just found the cause of a recurring malfunction in osgbindlesstext under nux:
> it seams non suffixed procaddr are malfunctionning
>     setGLExtensionFuncPtr(glGetTextureHandle,  "glGetTextureHandle",           "glGetTextureHandleARB","glGetTextureHandleNV", validContext);
> "glGetTextureHandle" give a valid adress but fails at use.
> i fix it moving non ARB suffixed procname at the end :
>     setGLExtensionFuncPtr(glGetTextureHandle,        "glGetTextureHandleARB","glGetTextureHandleNV", "glGetTextureHandle",     validContext);
> It seams reasonnable fix but would like confirmatoin as it is sure a weird driver behavior
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Julien
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