[osg-users] Minor change proposal : Blacklist usage of all unsized texture internat format

Julien Valentin julienvalentin51 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 15 06:55:04 PDT 2018

Hi Robert

Do I have to teach you benefit of using  immutable memory?
No I will not do that...
Rather I'd prefer you finish what you're doing and come back with more attention

Take your time to gauge next week or something because I'm really tired of monologing...


robertosfield wrote:
> Hi Julian,
> I have been looking through the glTexStorage changes and the
> background to this GL feature.
> It doesn't look like to me that glTexStorage* has any functionality
> benefit over just using the original glTexImage* code.  Yes
> glTexStorage is the "modern" way to do things in recent GL version
> (now part of the core in GL4.2), and yes it's cleaner if you are
> writing clean room code, but I can't see any actual benefit to OSG
> users who don't have to grapple with the low level set up details.
> At this point the cleanest thing for the OSG to do is not use
> glTexStoage at all.  We can simplify all the code paths and make the
> behaviours more consistent.
> For maintaining the OSG is far better to reduce the number of separate
> code code paths that do the same thing but in different ways.  I now
> believe the glTexStorge merges were a step back for maintainability.
> Is there anything that reverting all the glTexStorage changes that
> users won't be able to do?
> --
> For those who want to use bleeding stuff I now think you should start
> thinking in terms of have Vulkan as your base.  Within the year I'll
> have a Vulkan based scene graph open sourced and heading towards 1.0.
> So there will be a good migration path in the not too distant future.
> The pressure on using bleeding edge features in the OSG is now far
> lower.
> For those who have large applications to maintain that are based on
> the OSG then their focus is maintaining that and avoiding regressions
> when they update to new versions of the OSG.
> Robert.
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