[osg-users] VAO Resource Leak in OSG 3.6.2

Daniel Emminizer, Code 5773 dan.emminizer at nrl.navy.mil
Thu Aug 2 07:29:10 PDT 2018

Hi Robert,

I think I've found a resource leak in OSG 3.6.2.  Attached is a contrived sample application that demonstrates the behavior.

What appears to be happening is that the VAO is being created with glGenVertexArrays(), but does not get deleted with glDeleteVertexArrays().  Using the open source API Trace, I can see that on exit it does destroy some VAO, but not (nearly) all of them.

I'm investigating now for a solution, but I'm not very familiar with this part of OSG.  I'm passing this along now in case you see an obvious solution.  Thanks,

 - Dan

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