[osg-users] Please test OpenSceneGraph-3.6 branch in prep for 3.6.1

Daniel Emminizer, Code 5773 dan.emminizer at nrl.navy.mil
Wed Apr 25 09:59:07 PDT 2018

Hi Robert,

> Head in hands moment...

Tell me about it!  Took quite a long time to narrow down the crash to this one issue.

> If it is a case that a driver update fixes it so that very few machines out there will ever hit this issue then perhaps just telling users to update drivers is the thing to do.

Depends on your perspective of "very few machines".  We have many users on the old drivers that can't update due to their IA environment and other administrative reasons.  I think this was only fixed in drivers in the last year or so.  However, we can always ship out an updated text.frag when/if it gets to that point.

In our field we're seeing a lot of those Intel graphics chips out there.  I'd estimate a solid half of our users are still on Intel.  I personally think it's worth a fix (and I'm happy to PR it if desired), but I'm biased too. :)


 - Dan

-----Original Message-----
From: osg-users [mailto:osg-users-bounces at lists.openscenegraph.org] On Behalf Of Robert Osfield
Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2018 12:41 PM
To: OpenSceneGraph Users
Subject: Re: [osg-users] Please test OpenSceneGraph-3.6 branch in prep for 3.6.1

Hi Dan & Terry,

Oh boy, that's a classy driver bug.  You would have thought a company
that develops CPU compilers would know how to write a parser that
handles #pragma properly... you really have to try hard to write bad
code to come up with a bug like this.

Head in hands moment...

Given the possible fix is so simple I'm inclined to merge it rather
than just push the problem back on users.  Terry could you modify
OpenSceneGraph-Data/shaders/text.vert and text.frag to make sure that
#pragma lines are all three or less parameters.

If it is a case that a driver update fixes it so that very few
machines out there will ever hit this issue then perhaps just telling
users to update drivers is the thing to do.


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