[osg-users] Display one scene, pick from another one

Antoine Rennuit antoinerennuit at hotmail.com
Thu Sep 14 10:22:01 PDT 2017

Hello Sebatian,

I was finally able to test your suggestion and it does work fine except that it does return the primitives, not the vertices composing the primitives (triangles for me).

Of course you can retrieve the vertices from the primitives (which I am currently doing), but selecting primitives and selecting vertices is not exactely the same.

What I understand is that if I want to draw triangles but select exact vertices then I need to handle 2 different geometries, one with triangles for drawing and one with points for selection (and using your suggested technique with masks). Is that right?

PS: at the time being I can live with the primitives / vertices approximation, but I want to get to the bottom of it eventually.

Kind regards,


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