[osg-users] Automated builds of 3rdParty libraries

Björn Blissing bjorn.blissing at vti.se
Thu Sep 14 01:35:21 PDT 2017


I have been successful in completely automating the builds of 3rdParty libraries for Visual Studio. This is done using the continuous delivery service AppVeyor.

This means that there will be updated prebuilt versions of the 3rdParty libraries available to download for different versions of Visual Studio (currently 2015 and 2017; both 32-bit and 64-bit). These will be automatically rebuilt every time the GitHub repository is updated and the latest successful builds will available as download links on the readme page at:

The builds currently contain: zlib, libpng, libjpeg, libtiff, FreeType, GLUT, GIFLIB, MINIZIP and cURL.

Hopefully this will help others who need prebuilt 3rd party libraries.

If any of you are missing a certain library, please fork the GitHub repository and try to add it and then send me a pull request. Or you could add a request for a library as an issue in the issue tracker on GitHub.


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