[osg-users] using modern shaders with osg - setting vertex attribute layout

Robert Osfield robert.osfield at gmail.com
Sat Sep 2 04:41:12 PDT 2017

Hi Chris,

On 2 September 2017 at 03:40, Chris Kuliukas <chris at kuliukas.com> wrote:

> It seems crazy that the official advice is to write shaders and use OSG
> just like legacy GL, and OSG will then change your shader code and
> reinterpret deprecated calls to make it work via "modern" GL: Obviously in
> years to come when GL newcomers want to use OSG the official line can't be
> "learn how GL was 20 years ago, write your OSG code like that, and the
> system will make it work".

No one has suggested you should learn how GL was 20  years ago.  Pure BS.
Please leave such nonsense off the list/forum as it doesn't help anyone.

What has been suggested is that the OSG's management of mdelview and
projection matrices works well for both fixed function and shaders, the OSG
is a scene graph it does lots of helpful stuff for application developers,
one of these useful things is it's management of modelview and projection

If you are fighting against this design that doesn't fit with your
preconceptions then this is likely why you are struggling.  Once you stop
trying to fit the OSG around think it should work and leverage it's power
then things should be easier.

Lots of people use the OSG with shaders and have done for well over a
decade - the OSG actually support GLSL even before the ARB officially
released it (3DLabs used the OSG as a testbed).  OpenGL has evolved a lot
since the early days of GLSL and the OSG with it,  Both continue to evolve.

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