[osg-users] OsgText compile issue with the newer versions of OSG

Robert Osfield robert.osfield at gmail.com
Wed Nov 15 13:35:58 PST 2017

Hi Curtis,

It might be that we need to add some extra API to osgText to help you
do what you want to do.  As a general trend I would much rather have
users no need to grapple with the internal implementation details of
classes to do their work, if this requires some amendments to the
public interface or just providing some advice to solve it another way
then this will be preferable.

At this point I can't really provide any specific advice as to what
would be appropriate in hour case as the small code snippet really
doesn't tell me anything about the what you are and why.  Could you
provide a small compilable code example that illustrates what you were
doing with older versions of the OSG.  From this I should be able to
work out what you were doing and why, and then work out what would be
appropriate to do next.


On 15 November 2017 at 19:29, Curtis Rubel <crubel at compro.net> wrote:
> Hello community,
>    I was attempting to test the latest release of OSG 3.5.8 and am now getting
> some compiler errors.
> error: ‘const struct osgText::Text::GlyphQuads’ has no member named ‘getCoords’
>              coords.insert(coords.end(),gq.getCoords()->begin(),gq.getCoords()->end());
> Snippet of the code in question:
> Code:
> std::vector<osg::Vec2>                          coords;
> osgText::Text::TextureGlyphQuadMap& tgqm = const_cast<osgText::Text::TextureGlyphQuadMap&>(_text->getTextureGlyphQuadMap());
> const osgText::Text::GlyphQuads& gq = tgqmi->second;
> coords.insert(coords.end(),gq.getCoords()->begin(),gq.getCoords()->end());
> We are using this code to control onscreen text command line input.
> What would be the proper way to fix this code under the newer versions of OSG to
> accomplish the same, if it is still possible in some way?
> Any hints would be appreciated.
> Thank you all as always...
> Cheers,
> Curtis[/code]
> ------------------
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=72393#72393
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