[osg-users] How to use openscenegraph to realize approaching zero driver overhead

Sebastian Messerschmidt sebastian.messerschmidt at gmx.de
Tue May 23 00:43:13 PDT 2017

Hi Qiaokun,
> Hi,
> Approaching Zero Driver Overhead (Presented by NVIDIA) can substantially improved efficiency  in OpenGL. But, I don't find any interface to call AZDO in the osg source code. Can we realize it in osg finally?
> If you encountered this problem, please tell me how to combine osg and AZDO. If I need to write new interface in osg source code?
There is no single interface, as AZDO is a more a paradigm than a 
concrete implementation. OSG offers various elements to help you 
approach it (e.g. various buffer objects, support for draw-instanced, 
indirect drawing etc, image load/store, bindless textures). There are 
some extensions which are currently not part of the OSG-core such as 
sparse textures, and various other improvements.

So in the end you'll have to invest some work to add the missing 
extension. Using the graph to use AZDO-techniques usually boils down to 
create the appropriate visitors or custom drawables. A good starting 
point (although not minimal example)  is the osggpucull example - it 
shows how to use draw-indirect on a scene graph. I successfully use this 
technique to render millions of instances of simple trees and thousands 
of complex elements like houses.


> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Qiaokun
> ------------------
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=70956#70956
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