[osg-users] [Repost while forums down] Convert from screen space to world space and back to screen space

Cary, Karl A. KARL.A.CARY at leidos.com
Fri Jun 23 11:24:43 PDT 2017

I am posting this for my coworker, NavyBas, as he is not on the email list yet and he was hoping to get a response before the forums get fixed. He had posted this yesterday.

Hello and thanks in advance for any assistance, 

 First question: What is the simplest way to convert from 2D space to 3D space with OSG? 
 Second question: What is the simplest way to convert from 3D space to 2D (screen) space with OSG? 

 I want to convert a screen coordinate to 3D (world) space, make a couple of 3D matrix rotations, then convert the resulting 3D coordinate back to screen space. 

 Thanks again for your help! 

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