[osg-users] General Forum Down?

Robert Osfield robert.osfield at gmail.com
Fri Jun 23 11:06:23 PDT 2017

Hi Karl,

I contacted Sebastian Messershmidt yesterday and he said it looked
like server disk space issue but he wasn't given server admin rights
by the original forum creator Art Tevs.  Yesterday I then emailed Art
but haven't had a response yesterday.

Unfortunately I can't do anything more personally as I'm not involved
with the forum maintenance - I maintain the mailing list which is
hosted on an entirely different server.


On 23 June 2017 at 18:52, Cary, Karl A. <KARL.A.CARY at leidos.com> wrote:
> Is the general forum down for anyone else? My coworkers and I have not been able to get to it since yesterday and we noticed a post a coworker made yesterday didn't come through the mailing list either (even though I have been receiving other messages through it today). This is the error we receive:
> Could not obtain topic information
> SQL Error : 3 Error writing file '/tmp/MYXfAfQ7' (Errcode: 28)
> SELECT t.*, u.username, u.user_realname, u.user_allow_viewrealname, u2.user_realname as realname2, u2.user_allow_viewrealname as user_allow_viewrealname2, u.user_id, u2.username as user2, u2.user_id as id2, p.post_username, p2.post_username AS post_username2, p2.post_time FROM phpbb2_topics t, phpbb2_users u, phpbb2_posts p, phpbb2_posts p2, phpbb2_users u2 WHERE t.forum_id = 1 AND t.topic_poster = u.user_id AND p.post_id = t.topic_first_post_id AND p2.post_id = t.topic_last_post_id AND u2.user_id = p2.poster_id AND t.topic_type <> 2 AND t.topic_type <> 3 ORDER BY t.topic_type DESC, t.topic_last_post_id DESC LIMIT 0, 50
> Line : 463
> File : viewforum.php
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