[osg-users] converting node coordinates

tianzjyh tianzjyh at 126.com
Thu Jun 22 19:26:44 PDT 2017

Hi, Oliveira, 
    I am not sure what exactly is causing the problem, but maybe it is the setVertexArray(). U should call VertexArray::dirty(),after you changed data in osg::Array at runtime, to tell the OSG to update corresponding data in the GPU memory.



At 2017-06-23 01:12:47, "Bruno Oliveira" <bruno.manata.oliveira at gmail.com> wrote:

However, when I do this, I can see my points, BUT when I try to manipulate my scene with the mouse, the data disappears if I zoom in, and appears again if I zoom out again.

This seems like my node's bounds are not well set, But I manually verified all node's bounds and they are correct....

Any idea?
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