[osg-users] Error with InputStream reading osgb files

Riccardo Corsi riccardo.corsi at kairos3d.it
Mon Jun 19 09:44:42 PDT 2017

Hi Robert,

this week I'm out of office, I'll give it a test as soon as I come back.

On Jun 19, 2017 6:03 PM, "Robert Osfield" <robert.osfield at gmail.com> wrote:

> HI Riccardo,
> On 14 June 2017 at 19:32, Robert Osfield <robert.osfield at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Thanks Riccardo.  I'm just heading offline for the evening so will
> > have a look tomorrow.
> I finally got the chance to do a review and merge your PR.  I made a
> couple of further commits, first changing the long long to uint64,
> then added an if (version) check to the writing to mirror what you
> added to the reading, to leave the door open to eventually allowing us
> to write files that are compatible with older OSG versions, finally I
> bumped the version number up to 149 to enable the feature.  All these
> changes are now checked into git master.
> I have tested by writing a .osgb file prior to bumping the version
> number, then the same model after bumping the version number.  Both
> versions load just fine with the recent file just a little larger
> indicating the 64bit sizes are being written and read correctly :-)
> Could you test things out to confirm everything works at your end.
> Cheers,
> Robert.
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