[osg-users] Error with InputStream reading osgb files

Robert Osfield robert.osfield at gmail.com
Mon Jun 19 08:02:34 PDT 2017

HI Riccardo,

On 14 June 2017 at 19:32, Robert Osfield <robert.osfield at gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks Riccardo.  I'm just heading offline for the evening so will
> have a look tomorrow.

I finally got the chance to do a review and merge your PR.  I made a
couple of further commits, first changing the long long to uint64,
then added an if (version) check to the writing to mirror what you
added to the reading, to leave the door open to eventually allowing us
to write files that are compatible with older OSG versions, finally I
bumped the version number up to 149 to enable the feature.  All these
changes are now checked into git master.

I have tested by writing a .osgb file prior to bumping the version
number, then the same model after bumping the version number.  Both
versions load just fine with the recent file just a little larger
indicating the 64bit sizes are being written and read correctly :-)

Could you test things out to confirm everything works at your end.


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