[osg-users] found memory leak in OSG 3.0.1

Robert Osfield robert.osfield at gmail.com
Fri Jan 20 01:31:43 PST 2017

Hi Gianlica,

Personally I wouldn't worry about this tiny one off "apparent" leak.
It could well be just an artefact of the way the memory tracking is
working rather than a real leak, from what I pick up from other
Windows discussions here on osg-users the MS memory is known for not
tracking things properly and reporting leaks in certain circumstances
that aren't real leaks - this is why I asked how you are measured the
memory usage.

As a general note, I'm not a Windows developer so have to defer to
those with Windows expertise in the community to debug Windows
specific issues.  OSG-3.0 is also pretty ancient, it's not a branch
that I have put effort in maintaining as very few users appear to use
it.  I'd recommend upgrading to OSG-3.4 as it provides many
improvements and bug fixes. Porting wise is still fundamentally the
same OSG so typically porting shouldn't take too long.

Also leaving it so long between updating to the latest release just
puts you further behind and when you do eventually upgrade will
require more work.  Keeping up to date with OSG releases means that
you'll spend less time investigating bugs that have already been fixed
and make available features that can make your application faster and
make it easier to solve particular tasks.  Also if you do keep up to
date then if you do see problems then there is chance that others in
the community have seen a similar problem and can help out, also any
discussion about changes to the OSG happen prior to major releases so
if you are up to date then all the discussions are relevant and more


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