[osg-users] Offline screen render without pbuffer on virtual machine

Théo Nassour osgforum at tevs.eu
Tue Feb 14 23:29:33 PST 2017


I have an application, that renders offline, and the rendered result is displayed by WPF control, copying osg::Image to System.ImageControl (c#).

Using the application on a normal PC, every thing was going well, till i wanted to test the application on VirtualBox, and VMWare. And getting either nothing or a complete crashes.

I Debigged the application and i noticed on the VM, the graphic context is not created, cause is need : PixelBufferWin32, which it needs WGLExtensions, which it need wglCreatePbufferARB. 
wglCreatePbufferARB :(WGL_ARB_pbuffer) is not supported by OpenGL for VM. I tried : VirtualBox with OpenGL 2.1 and VMWare with OpenGL 3.1.

Any suggestions ?

Thank you!


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