[osg-users] [ A Stack Overflow for OSG? ]

Jan Ciger jan.ciger at gmail.com
Thu Feb 23 07:52:12 PST 2017

On Thu, Feb 23, 2017 at 12:31 PM, Johny Canes <psijsma at gmail.com> wrote:

> Meh
> On first sight this place looks kind of meh. It doesn't seem to facilitate
> anything. Take it from me, I saw this place as an anthill. I wanted to drop
> my shit, get condescended by Robert.

Maybe if you cut down on the ego tripping, rudeness and profanity and
communicate like a normal person and not like a ghetto kid you would have a
different experience. Nobody owes you anything here.

> Why do all these new posters have accents

I hope you like my e-mail accent. I wonder how is my Slovak coming through
on your side? You do realize that probably the majority of the people in
the forum and mailing list are not from English speaking countries?

> and use shitty forum titles that do not lend itself to being searched?

Sorry, but the fact that you don't know how to use Google (which indexes
the mailing list archives and thus forums too) or to use the mailing list
archives is not really their fault ...

For example, here:

Or simply type in the Google search box:
"I saw this place as an anthill" osg-users

One result:

What is not lending itself to being searched?


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