[osg-users] [ A Stack Overflow for OSG? ]

Sebastian Messerschmidt sebastian.messerschmidt at gmx.de
Thu Feb 23 03:41:42 PST 2017

> Jan Ciger wrote:
>> I encourage anyone suggesting that the list moves to some new shiny thing XY, because it is better/nicer/more modern/I don't like e-mail/forum/etc to consider these issues in the future. You are getting free support, so making the life easier for the project leads like Robert is probably the least they can ask for in exchange.
> Meh
> On first sight this place looks kind of meh. It doesn't seem to facilitate anything. Take it from me, I saw this place as an anthill. I wanted to drop my shit, get condescended by Robert. Why do all these new posters have accents and use shitty forum titles that do not lend itself to being searched?
Still that is a problem not being magically solved by using another 
platform/forum. Most of the new posters are simply no native speakers 
and might have a different cultural background. While this might be my 
opinion, I think that this is simply a mirror of our society: People are 
getting lazy to educate themselves, more and more unpolite and simply 
not able to phrase a complex question ...
And honestly you've shown mre rude and unpolite speech and behavior than 
most people here, effectively serving no purpose but "dropping your 
shit". This is however helping no-one; on the contrary: It might even 
repel those who are willing to sacrifice a share of their spare time.

I personally dislike the forum too, it is a mess compared with a mailing 
list ... but that's maybe me being older than 20 ;-). And you know what 
I did? I became a moderator, to at least help the forum to get a tiny 
bit better...

> ------------------
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=70324#70324
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