[osg-users] How to improve frame rate when loading multiple buildings ??

Sebastian Messerschmidt sebastian.messerschmidt at gmx.de
Thu Feb 23 03:26:30 PST 2017

Am 23.02.2017 um 12:21 schrieb Johny Canes:
> SMesserschmidt wrote:
>> [...] Maybe you're structuring your graph to flat and to much time is spent to determine visibility/draw-calls.
> Is the culling really a perf. hit? E.g. op has neatly provided a group for each building versus not, if he looks at it from a distance like in the photo, would this mean a difference? Does the cull traversal degrade to vertices when it hasn't bounded things in spheres or whatever structures it uses?
Still each group has to be traversed each frame to determine visbility.
Try to run the optimizer with the SpatializeGroups option. That's not 
really helping if you can see the whole scene, but that's what LoDs are 
for ....

Of course if the bounding sphere of a geometry is inside the frustum the 
geometry will be rendered. There are no additional per-geometry 
visibility checks.

> ------------------
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=70323#70323
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