[osg-users] Viewer slaves and RTTs

Julien Valentin julienvalentin51 at gmail.com
Sat Feb 18 11:41:51 PST 2017

Hi Steal

There's few incoherencies in your code
-targetted Texture2D is not fully setup ( you don't even set the internal texture format)
-A RenderToTexture camera should always be setted with FBO implementation

I think(as suggest Sebastian) the best course for you would be take the osgmrt example as a start and transform it until it fit your purpose..
...or searchingthe forum for more info on OSG RenderToTexture Camera system.
Keep cool dude:)

Steal wrote:
> Hi,
> So to repeat myself again: camera renders properly to its color attachment, but also the screen (undesired).
> If I tell this camera to act as / use an FBO, it does neither, it is i.e. 'black'.
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Johny

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