[osg-users] [ A Stack Overflow for OSG? ]

Jan Ciger jan.ciger at gmail.com
Sat Feb 18 09:36:45 PST 2017


On 17/02/17 20:23, Johny Canes wrote:
> Hi,
> It's a bit of a ruty archaic combo - a phpbb forum backed by a
> mailing list. Nobody has any respect for this place, meaning
> everybody just posts questions instead of searching for a generic
> problem domain.
> Thank you!

What makes you think that replacing the technical infrastructure
(forum/mailing list) will magically fix what is, by your own admission,
ultimately a human attitude problem?

These questions and suggestions about Stack Overflow come at least once
or twice a year - along with the answers why it is not a good idea. Did
you read them? The mailing list is not only for answering developers'

Best regards,


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