[osg-users] [ A Stack Overflow for OSG? ]

Robert Osfield robert.osfield at gmail.com
Fri Feb 17 13:20:42 PST 2017

On 17 February 2017 at 19:23, Johny Canes <petrussijsma at gmail.com> wrote:
> It's a bit of a ruty archaic combo - a phpbb forum backed by a mailing list. Nobody has any respect for this place, meaning everybody just posts questions instead of searching for a generic problem domain.

Your response is classic example of someone who responds with emotive
and manipulative language  when you can't convince others to do what
you want. Please keep such post off the forum/mailing list is they
really aren't helpful to us as a community or to you getting the
support you need i.e. don't be a obnoxious to others that you want
help from.

The mailing list/forum exists for supporting the community.  Sure we
get quite a few posts from developers who really could have easily got
an answer by reading the heads, the doxygen docs, the OSG examples,
the docs on the website, the OSG books or search the web.  Developers
with more initiative will find these examples and rarely post apart
from advanced question.

Sure I woould prefer that all developers had the initiative to get by
without asking so many obvious questions, but the world is made of
many different type of people, some people like do background research
and try to learn things for themselves while others call for help for
the most trivial details.  No matter how much documentation or the
avenues for accessing information there will always be users who ask
questions first.  Such developers will always be more visible in a
community like this, but it doesn't mean they make up the bulk of the


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