[osg-users] FrameStamp in osg::State

Riccardo Corsi riccardo.corsi at kairos3d.it
Fri Feb 3 04:59:28 PST 2017

@Jannik ahah sorry, I didn't realize from the author's name :D  I
remembered the post as I've successfully used a solution similar to yours
to render DYNAMIC elements that I want to render at the end of the frame.

Anyway, as the frame number issue is fixed, no more need for workarounds.

On Thu, Feb 2, 2017 at 6:25 PM, Jannik Heller <scrawl at baseoftrash.de> wrote:

> Hi,
> @Riccardo: Haha, that's my own post ;) The FrameSwitch node is what I
> currently do but I'm looking to clean this up a little. Since the double
> buffering is an implementation detail ideally it would be handled by the
> node itself rather than a decorator node that has to be part of scene
> graph. Also, having two copy of the same node presents a few gotchas that
> you need to be aware of at all times.

> >
> > Otherwise if you need the frame number only as a reference, I think you
> might "pile up" frame numbers during the cull visit, and then "consume"
> them from your drawImplementation.
> Interesting idea. My first thought that wouldn't work since
> drawImplementation could be called more than once in the same frame, but,
> there's nothing that prevents the CullVisitor from "piling up" the same
> frame number twice either ;)
> @Robert: I am using 3.4. I vaguely recall that change you talk of but
> couldn't find it in the code nor in the git log, did this get lost somehow?
> If not could you point me to it? Thanks!
> Cheers,
> Jannik
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