[osg-users] FrameStamp in osg::State

Jannik Heller scrawl at baseoftrash.de
Thu Feb 2 09:25:18 PST 2017


@Riccardo: Haha, that's my own post ;) The FrameSwitch node is what I currently do but I'm looking to clean this up a little. Since the double buffering is an implementation detail ideally it would be handled by the node itself rather than a decorator node that has to be part of scene graph. Also, having two copy of the same node presents a few gotchas that you need to be aware of at all times.

> Otherwise if you need the frame number only as a reference, I think you might "pile up" frame numbers during the cull visit, and then "consume" them from your drawImplementation. 

Interesting idea. My first thought that wouldn't work since drawImplementation could be called more than once in the same frame, but, there's nothing that prevents the CullVisitor from "piling up" the same frame number twice either ;)

@Robert: I am using 3.4. I vaguely recall that change you talk of but couldn't find it in the code nor in the git log, did this get lost somehow? If not could you point me to it? Thanks!


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