[osg-users] Serialization with virtual base classes

Robert Osfield robert.osfield at gmail.com
Sat Dec 30 07:50:12 PST 2017

On 26 December 2017 at 22:36, Hartwig Wiesmann
<hartwig.wiesmann at skywind.eu> wrote:
> I like OS and the efforts of the community but it is a real shame that OSG is documented so badly.

It's also a real shame that whatever effort is done on documentation
is never enough, or appreciated by some users.

This particular topic is niche issue, the vast majority of users will
never come across it, there is a real limit to how much detail you can
expect from free documentation.  There isn't some sugar daddy that
magically funds the OSG, there isn't some magic wand that can do

Documentation and support is done in people free time, we all have to
prioritise how we spend our time.  Personally I have enough on my
plate managing the source code base, investigating and fixing bugs,
reviewing submissions, developing required features, working on
releases.  As I go I do write doxygen comments on new features, create
examples to illustrate and test them, other contributors do the same.

Your comment clearly this effort by myself and others is appreciated,
and it's hardly encouraging for others in the community to pitch in if
they just see obnoxious comments about the contributions they make.

If you don't think documentation is good enough then roll your sleeves
up and write what you think is missing, or if you don't have time then
fund someone else to write what you think is required.


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