[osg-users] Can see parts of the back side of a model

tianzjyh tianzjyh at 126.com
Wed Aug 23 18:04:23 PDT 2017

Hi, Clay, 
Could you please attach a picture relative to the problem. Also, could you please describe what is the model's behavior under normal OSG, saying it viewed by "osgviewer.exe".  



At 2017-08-24 08:09:23, "Bruce Clay" <bclay1297 at gmail.com> wrote:
>I am using OSG 3.4 with QT 5.8 and Visual Studio 2015.  I am also using the QT osgWidget class I found on line.  When I load a model I >can see parts of the inside or back side of the model.  One viewer noted that it looked like the surface normals are inverted.  I could not >find anything in the osgWidget class or anything in the qtOsgWidget class that has anyeffect on surface normals.
>Read this topic online here:
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