[osg-users] Regarding Lod problem in osg

Rambabu Repaka ramboram488 at gmail.com
Thu Apr 27 22:12:41 PDT 2017

Hi,Iam loading the terrain with buildings,trees,roads etc using lod (level of detail ) in run time using osg.

Buildings - Reading from shapefile,textures,xml file ,iam able to placing in the terrain using vpb tool.
Roads  - same process as buildings loaded.
terrain - using imagery(image tiles) and elevation files again using vpb tool.

What my problem is upon launching the application buildings,road etc taking much time to appear on the screen,how can i load buildings,road etc instantly(immediately) using lod concept (at run time) in osg ?

Iam using osg 3.4.0 version,windows 8.1,vpb tool.

Any Help is Appreciated.

Thank you!


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